Thursday, October 2, 2014

US: American cameraman diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia

(Reuters) - An American freelance television cameraman working for NBC News in Liberia has tested positive for the Ebola virus and will be flown back to the United States for treatment, the network said on Thursday in an online report.
Diagnosis of the cameraman, who the network said came down with symptoms that included aches and fatigue on Wednesday, is believed to mark the first time an American journalist has been infected with the deadly virus since the current outbreak in West Africa.
The freelancer, who NBC said works as a writer as well as a cameraman, and whose name was not given by the network, is the fourth U.S. citizen overall to have contracted the disease in Liberia.

A Liberan man visiting relatives in Dallas recently became the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States.

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