Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Student demands lifetime supply of Kit Kat bars after buying eight lacking wafers

(foxnews) - A British student demanded this week that confectioner Nestle give her a lifetime supply of Kit Kat bars after she bought eight packages, none of which contained the candy's wafer portion, the Daily Mail reported.

Saima Ahmad, 20, a student at Kings College in London wrote the manufacturer demanding the sweet restitution after purchasing an £2 multi-pack (about $3) in December which contained pure chocolate.

"They go about the advertising the unique concept of Kit Kat, but I'm so disappointed by what I have purchased," Ahmad told the paper.

"No one else in the industry has that unique concept of mixing the wafer with the chocolate," she said.

Ahmad asked that Nestle's CEO, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, personally respond to her request.

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