Saturday, December 5, 2015

It’s Beginnning To Look A Lot Like Hanukkah!

(Chron) - Hanukkah is a wonderful celebration capturing the attention and imagination of more Jews than any other Jewish celebration of the year. Historically, Hanukkah celebrates the re-taking of Jerusalem from Syrian control and the ancient Temple from the hands of a priestly aristocracy committed to Hellenizing Jewish ritual. All of this by a small band of Jewish traditionalists known as the “Maccabees.” According to ancient tradition, the first act in re-claiming the Temple was to re-kindle the 7-branch menorah. Unfortunately, the Maccabees discovered there was only enough oil for one night. The miracle of Hanukkah was the oil lasted for eight days giving way to the current 8-day celebration.

Beginning Sunday evening, December 6, 2015, the first candle of Hanukkah will be lit in Jewish homes worldwide. Then, for each of the next 8 evenings an additional candle will be lit. The holiday will culminate with the lighting of eight candles on the evening of December 13. The lighting of candles are accompanied by songs and Hanukkah goodies such as sufganiyot(jelly-filled donuts).

Hanukkah, also referred to as the “Festival Of Lights”, is more than just a story or great victory. The word “Hanukkah” means dedication. The Maccabees fight was not just against a foreign army but a dedication to religious freedom. This celebration of “Light” stands in marked contrast to the darkness of threats against those who don’t conform to the religious beliefs or practices of others. Though Hanukkah is particularly Jewish, its message is universal.

One of the scriptural readings during Hanukkah is taken from the book of Zechariah, who writes, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit alone, says God, [shall all people live in peace].” (Full Text)

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Hanukkah: Still Meaningful as Ever

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