Wednesday, August 2, 2017

OOPS: Norway "Anti-immigrant" group mocked after mistaking empty bus seats for women in burqas - A Norwegian anti-immigrant Facebook group is the laughingstock of the internet after some members of the group thought a photo of an empty bus showed six women in burqas.

Fedrelandet viktigst, or "Fatherland first" in Norwegian, is a private group with over 13,000 members. The group was thrown into turmoil when a user posted an image of a bus allegedly packed with burqa-wearing women.

"What do people think about this?" the image was captioned.

"It looks really scary, should be banned," one user commented. "You can never know who is under there. Could be terrorists with weapons."Seems unlikely, considering we do know what was "under there": An empty bus seat.

The optical illusion-turned-xenophobia-test went viral when Facebook user Sindre Beyer posted screenshots from the group on his public page. The post has nearly 2,000 shares and plenty of comments making fun of Fedrelandet viktigst.

"This is the best thing I've seen from blind racists since The Chappelle Show," one person commented.

"I think I passed the test because the first thing I saw was a group of Darth Vaders," wrote another.

According to the Washington Post, journalist Johan Slattavik posted the original photo as a "little practical joke" to see how riled up the group would get.

"I ended up having a good laugh," Slattavik told WorldViews.

Fedrelandet viktigst members called his photo "frightening" and "tragic," which is also how their negative reaction to burqa-clad women on public transit was described by detractors.

"People see what they want to see and what they want to see are dangerous Muslims," Norwegian Centre Against Racism head Rune Berglund Steen told The Local, an English-language Norwegian news site. "In a way, it's an interesting test of how quickly people can find confirmations of their own delusions." (ontinueReading
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