Friday, January 6, 2012

How To; HomemadeToothpaste.

So I found this homemade toothpaste recipe through a search engine.  I thought it would be an alternative to not only brighten your teeth and freshen your breath, but help save money. Experiment and come up with you own variations. If you don't like this then you can use regular store bought toothpaste, or straight up baking soda.

Mint Toothpaste: You Will Need -
- 6 tablespoons of baking soda.
- 1/3 teaspoon salt.
- 4 teaspoons glycerin.
- 15 drops peppermint or wintergreen extract.
- You will also need a small plastic container.

 Directions: Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Should be a toothpaste consistency. Store in small container. You will be surprised with how fresh your mouth feels. 

All ingredients can be purchased at any store; including Wal Mart, Target, Shopko, K Mart, etc. Glycerin can can be purchased at pharmacies (including big chains like Wal Mart or Target) in small quantities. Or, it can be found in bulk online or at certain supply stores.

-Glycerin is a colourless liquid used in soaps, skin treatments, cooking, animal care, crafts, and fine arts.
OPTIONAL -  Mouthwash:  You can rinse your mouth with cooled tea (mint is a perfect choice) Or If you're hardcore you can use vodka ; )

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