Saturday, October 18, 2014

US: Seattle Socialist Party Wants $20 Per Hour Minimum Wage, Offers $13 Per Hour For Website Manager.

- The economy is stagnant — so stagnant that over 35 percent of all Americans have been reported to a collection agency for bad debt and The Washington Post has advised newly-minted college graduates to give up hope and go live in their parents’ basements.

However, The Daily Caller never dreamed it would come to this: A socialist party that wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $20 per hour is currently advertising a job for an experienced web developer paying $13 per hour.

The party is the Freedom Socialist Party, which, impressively, owns the rights to the domain name

This month, the Freedom Socialist Party placed an ad on both andCraigslist seeking a part-time web content manager in Seattle. The job pays $13 per hour (or more, maybe, if you are really good).

In 2012, the Freedom Socialist Party’s national platform championed “full employment” — not part-time — and an increase in the minimum wage “to $20 an hour” for all employees in all jobs.

* * * * 
The US desperately needs a workers revolution.. 

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