thetrumpet.com) - Have you heard of Kermit Gosnell? If you only watch the nightly news on the networks, or even on cable, probably not. Gosnell is a physician who was arrested in January 2011 for murder, illegal abortions and more medical malpractice performed in his blood-smeared clinic of horrors in Philadelphia. His trial, which started last month, is gruesome, timely, relevant news.
But in the mainstream media, the amount of coverage his trial receives each night is measured in seconds—if any. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN—they are all smothering this story. The ghastly details of his barbaric practice are now a matter of court record. But the press is trying to abort the story.
They won’t publish stories about unwanted babies whose mothers went to Gosnell so he could kill them before they were born. Stories about tiny babies who survivedabortion procedures: one moved his arms and legs, one responded when a clinic employee lifted its arm, one was trying to swim when it was born in a toilet, one let out a soft whine, many were breathing. They don’t want stories about clinic workers taking these minutes-old children and plunging scissors into their necks and snipping their spinal cords. But this is what happened.
It’s stomach-turning to learn that plastic bags filled with aborted tiny corpses lined Kermit Gosnell’s clinic: its cupboards, its hallways, its overflowing dumpster. It’s heartbreaking to think of these women—so desperate to abort their babies that they didn’t flee at the horrifying sight of this clinic. It’s sickening to consider the woman killed by Gosnell’s unsafe practices, and the probable hundreds of babies murdered after failed abortions—not to mention the thousands of babies Gosnell successfully killed before they were born. He did it for 20 years. And the sign out front says “Family Planning” and “Family Practice.”
But this isn’t news. Why not? The media gives wall-to-wall coverage of mass murder (which, by one definition, is just four within a short period of time) and other grisly atrocities. In this case, though, as Melinda Henneberger wrote in the
Washington Post, “I say we didn’t write more because the only abortion story most outlets ever cover in the news pages is
every single threat or perceived threat to abortion rights.”
“What the Gosnell trial is proving is abortion advocates and their equally ardent media friends know the damage this story does,” wrote media watchdog
Brent Bozell. “The more people understand what is being done, the more this country is revolted. So they censor the news from the masses .…”
The mainstream media is calculatedly trying to kill and dispose of this story. Some, realizing that their cover-up is being exposed, are actually arguing that Gosnell’s clinic is proof that there should be fewer restrictions on abortions. Kate Michelman, for instance, insists in the
Huffington Post that America’s ANTI-ABORTION POLICIES AND CULTURE brought women to Gosnell.
That is the exact opposite of the obvious