A Bit Of Inspiration For Your Day:
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Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Birthday Of Christ REVEALED!
By Kingdom Tract Society. (Copied)
There is much evidence to prove that October 5th is the anniversary of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
On this date in the year 4 B.C, the Babe Jesus was born, although, ironically enough, Christendom does not celebrate the event until December 25th, whilst the true date is allowed to pass by without so much as a sign from the leaders of organized religion.
The belief unfortunately persists that the birth occurred on December 25th between the years 7 B.C. to 3 B.C. Although those holding these beliefs appear to agree on the day and the month. there is a certain amount of disagreement regarding the actual year.
Let us examine some of these statements wherein December 25th is presumed to be the correct date.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th edition) volume six and page 293, states:
“The earliest identification of December 25th with the birthday of Christ is in a passage otherwise unkown and probably spurious, of Theophius of Antioch (A.D. 171-183) preserved in Latin by the Madgeburg Centuriators to the effect that the Gauls contended that as they celebrated the birth of the Lord on December 25th, whatever day of the week it might be, so they ought to celebrate the Pascha on March 25th, when the Resurrection befell."
“Certain Latins as early as A. D. 354 may have transferred the human birth-date (of our Lord) to December 25th, which was then a Mithraic Feast, and is referred to by certain chronographers as Natalis Invicti Solis, or the birthday of the unconquered Sun.”
Although we have abundant evidence that Christianity was introduced into Britain by the Apostles themselves within the fifth year after the Crucifixion, the so-called Christian Calendar giving the Nativity of our Lord as falling at the Winter Solstice, December 25th, was generally adopted by the Western Church about the third century, although the Eastern Church did not do so until near the end of the fourth century, when it was received from Rome with the intimation that the census role in the Roman archives contained the date December 25th as the correct date.
St. Luke (2:2-7) records that Christ was born when Quirinus, the Governor of Syria, commenced to enforce the Decree, of Caesar Augustus that all the (then known) world should be taxed, and reports that Joseph accompanied Mary to Bethlehem to be so taxed, and that whilst there was delivered of her child.
History reveals that the Romans were averse to disturbing Jewish Feasts and Customs, and this particular decree would operate during the civil year which commences in Tisri, the equivalent of our September or October. This period, falling as it did between the harvest and the ploughing season, proved the most convenient time for the making of a register of census.
The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was held on 15th Tisri, and this would explain why all places were filled so that Joseph and Mary had recourse to the stables of an inn wherein the Babe was born.
Quirinus was Governor of Syria from 4 B.C. to I B.C., and the Register was commenced during the first year of office. It was in this year that the Feast of Trumpets was held on the seventh day of the seventh sacred month, a Saturday or Sabbath day, and therefore the probable day on which the Babe was born.
The Gospels state that the tidings were given to the shepherds who were attending their flocks by night, but here again we have evidence that it was not customary to keep the flocks out in the open during the night after the end of October, certainly not during the winter nights.
The Gospels state that the tidings were given to the shepherds who were attending their flocks by night, but here again we have evidence that it was not customary to keep the flocks out in the open during the night after the end of October, certainly not during the winter nights.
Ste. Luke (2:21-39) further records that after the Circumcision and days of purification were ended, Mary went to the Temple at Jerusalem to present the Babe to the Lord in accordance with Jewish custom.
It was about this time that Herod gave orders for the destruction of all boys under the age of two years, and St. Matthew (2.12-15) records that theAngel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him to take the Babe and mother into Egypt, as Herod was seeking to destroy Him. He further records that Jesus was taken a journey of, roughly, 200 miles into Egypt, where He remained until after the death of Herod.
It is well to note here that records at our disposal show how impracticable, such a journey would be if undertaken after mid-November, unless, of course, one travelled via the sea route, but of this we know Joseph and Mary did not avail themselves. At the time of this journey the Babe was about six weeks old, and this exactly fits in with all the other known facts.
It was about this time that Herod gave orders for the destruction of all boys under the age of two years, and St. Matthew (2.12-15) records that theAngel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him to take the Babe and mother into Egypt, as Herod was seeking to destroy Him. He further records that Jesus was taken a journey of, roughly, 200 miles into Egypt, where He remained until after the death of Herod.
It is well to note here that records at our disposal show how impracticable, such a journey would be if undertaken after mid-November, unless, of course, one travelled via the sea route, but of this we know Joseph and Mary did not avail themselves. At the time of this journey the Babe was about six weeks old, and this exactly fits in with all the other known facts.
Now Herod was proclaimed king by the Romans at the 184th Olympiad, which was a period of four years, at the end of which were held the games that commenced the next period. The first Olympiad was during the period of 776-772 B. C, and was reckoned as from Midsummer to Midsummer. The end of the 184th Olympiad would therefore be Midsummer 40 B.C. According to the celebrated historian Josephus, Herod actually reigned after the death of Antigonus in the Autumn of 37 B.C, and he frequently states that over three years elapsed between the Roman Proclamation and the death of Antigonus.
Josephus counted his year from Nisan to Nisan, the equivalent of our March, and he would therefore have counted the portion of the first year of Herod’s reign before Nisan as being one whole year, and as he states that Herod reigned 34 years after the death of Antigonus, his reign terminated before the Passover of Nisan 3 B.C.
Certain writers have endeavoured to prove that Herod died on a date different from the actual date in order to prove correct their theory that the Holy Babe was born on December 25th.
The records made by Josephus, however, are very complete and authentic. He states that Herod burnt the Priest Matthias and on the same night there was an eclipse of the moon. There is no record whatever to show that such an eclipse of the moon, visible from Jerusalem during the beginning of the year 3 B.C. ever took place, but a record does exist of such an eclipse occurring during the night of March 12th to 13th in the year 4 B.C.
The Feast of the Passover in the year 4 B.C, occurred on April 10th, which is barely a month after the eclipse, and we know that Herod was then alive. .
Josephus records that after the death of Herod, the funeral preparations and the procession of the golden bier to Herodium, together with the period of mourning, amounted to some five weeks. He also records that as the time for the holding of the Feast of the Passover, following the funeral, approached, there was feasting and rioting among the populace, and the authorities were compelled to call out a regiment of soldiers to quell such rioters.
The records made by Josephus, however, are very complete and authentic. He states that Herod burnt the Priest Matthias and on the same night there was an eclipse of the moon. There is no record whatever to show that such an eclipse of the moon, visible from Jerusalem during the beginning of the year 3 B.C. ever took place, but a record does exist of such an eclipse occurring during the night of March 12th to 13th in the year 4 B.C.
The Feast of the Passover in the year 4 B.C, occurred on April 10th, which is barely a month after the eclipse, and we know that Herod was then alive. .
Josephus records that after the death of Herod, the funeral preparations and the procession of the golden bier to Herodium, together with the period of mourning, amounted to some five weeks. He also records that as the time for the holding of the Feast of the Passover, following the funeral, approached, there was feasting and rioting among the populace, and the authorities were compelled to call out a regiment of soldiers to quell such rioters.
From this it is obvious that the death of Herod must have occurred at the beginning of the year 3 B.C. as the eclipse of 4 B.C. occurred within one month of the Passover of that year, and it has already been shown that the period of time between Herod’s death and the Passover was about ten weeks, so that the eclipse, death, burial, riots and Passover could not possibly have taken place within the period of the same year.
The Jewish Megillah Taanith states that the death occurred on Sebat 1st or January 18, 3 B.C, and with this date the records of Josephus agree.
Referring back to Ste. Matthew 2:19-23, it is recorded that another Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to return to the land of Israel, and that Joseph did take Mary and the Babe to Nazareth.
St. Luke 2:41 states that Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover, and it is presumed that they attended the one held on March 31st, 3 B.C, following the death of Herod.
The correct chronology would therefore be:
Decree of Caesar Augustus, about May, 4 B.C;
Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem for census, late September or very early October;
The Nativity, October 5th, 4 B.C;
Presentation at the Temple (43 days after), November 16th, 4 B.C;
Flight to Egypt, November 18th, 4 B.C.;
Death of Herod, January 18th, 3 B.C;
Funeral, mourning, etc., to February 28th, 3 B.C;
Feast of Passover, March 31st, 3 B.C.
This proves very conclusively that the present-day Christmas celebrations do not connect in any way with the anniversary of the Nativity.
The Jewish Megillah Taanith states that the death occurred on Sebat 1st or January 18, 3 B.C, and with this date the records of Josephus agree.
Referring back to Ste. Matthew 2:19-23, it is recorded that another Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to return to the land of Israel, and that Joseph did take Mary and the Babe to Nazareth.
St. Luke 2:41 states that Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover, and it is presumed that they attended the one held on March 31st, 3 B.C, following the death of Herod.
The correct chronology would therefore be:
Decree of Caesar Augustus, about May, 4 B.C;
Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem for census, late September or very early October;
The Nativity, October 5th, 4 B.C;
Presentation at the Temple (43 days after), November 16th, 4 B.C;
Flight to Egypt, November 18th, 4 B.C.;
Death of Herod, January 18th, 3 B.C;
Funeral, mourning, etc., to February 28th, 3 B.C;
Feast of Passover, March 31st, 3 B.C.
This proves very conclusively that the present-day Christmas celebrations do not connect in any way with the anniversary of the Nativity.
What then, is this celebration connected with?
Professor Waddell in his “The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons” produces evidence, that as far back as 1500 B.C., certain inhabitants of Britain were Sun worshippers similar to the ancient Egyptians of 2000 B.C., and that one of their festivals was Natalis Invicti Solis, the birthday of the unconquerable Sun, and such a festival was held on December 25th, which date originally coincided with the Winter Solstice.
The “Christian” Church did not include any festival in December, certainly not the Christmas festival, until the end of the third century and it is presumed that this festival was probably adopted by the Roman Church at that time when many pagans were being converted to their faith, and no doubt it was considered advisable to hold such a festival in order to retain them in the Roman Church.
As we are now approaching the close of the “Latter Days” so often referred to in the Bible, and in addition have had days set aside for National prayer to God, seeking God’s aid to deliver us from the trials and tribulations that now beset us, is it not a little incongruous that we still hold on to our pagan feast days which obviously are opposed to God, inasmuch as, through the celebrations conducted in many Churches, they lead us to break the first and greatest commandment? We cannot expect God to deliver us from our enemies and still continue with our idolatrous rituals. That surely is sheer hypocrisy which the church seems all too eager to accept, inasmuch as they have consented to both in the past; and it would appear to be high time that the churches reconstituted their Calendar.
It is gratifying to know that Scotland has managed to resist such pagan influence. Let us hope that in the not-too-far future the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States of America will be equally sensible.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Up To 27 Million People Living In Slavery... In The U.S.
Up to 27 million people are living in slavery around the world, U.S
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton estimated as the U.S unveiled its
annual report into human trafficking.
But the report showed that as governments become more aware of the issue, instigating tough new laws and programs to help victims, progress is being made in wiping out what it called the “scourge of trafficking.”
“The end of legal slavery in the United States & in other countries around the world has not, unfortunately, meant the end of slavery,” said Clinton.
“Today it is estimated as many as 27 million people around the world are victims of modern slavery, what we sometimes call trafficking in persons,” she said at the unveiling of the report at the State Department.
“Those victims of modern slavery are women and men, girls and boys, and their stories remind us of the kind of inhumane treatment we are capable of as human beings,” said Clinton.
As America prepares to mark the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the emancipation of US slaves, people must reflect on “how much further we have to go to free all these 27 million victims,” Clinton added.
Myanmar was removed from the blacklist because the government “took a number of unprecedented steps to address forced labor & the conscription of child soldiers; these steps amount to a credible commitment to undertake anti-trafficking reforms over the coming year,” the report said.
Syria however fell onto the blacklist for the first time, in a move which could cut off any U.S aid & make it harder to get U.S backing for funds from organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
“The government of Syria does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so,” the 2012 Trafficking in Persons report said.
Among the 16 other countries on the blacklist were Algeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
Kenya slipped down onto the watchlist for the first time in five years, while Nigeria lost its place on tier 1, moving down a notch as the report highlighted that women and children were forced into labor and sex trafficking.
But Clinton hailed the fact that a total of 29 countries had been upgraded to a higher ranking, “which means that their governments are taking the right steps.”
Source Article
But the report showed that as governments become more aware of the issue, instigating tough new laws and programs to help victims, progress is being made in wiping out what it called the “scourge of trafficking.”
“The end of legal slavery in the United States & in other countries around the world has not, unfortunately, meant the end of slavery,” said Clinton.
“Today it is estimated as many as 27 million people around the world are victims of modern slavery, what we sometimes call trafficking in persons,” she said at the unveiling of the report at the State Department.
“Those victims of modern slavery are women and men, girls and boys, and their stories remind us of the kind of inhumane treatment we are capable of as human beings,” said Clinton.
As America prepares to mark the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the emancipation of US slaves, people must reflect on “how much further we have to go to free all these 27 million victims,” Clinton added.
Myanmar was removed from the blacklist because the government “took a number of unprecedented steps to address forced labor & the conscription of child soldiers; these steps amount to a credible commitment to undertake anti-trafficking reforms over the coming year,” the report said.
Syria however fell onto the blacklist for the first time, in a move which could cut off any U.S aid & make it harder to get U.S backing for funds from organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
“The government of Syria does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so,” the 2012 Trafficking in Persons report said.
Among the 16 other countries on the blacklist were Algeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
Kenya slipped down onto the watchlist for the first time in five years, while Nigeria lost its place on tier 1, moving down a notch as the report highlighted that women and children were forced into labor and sex trafficking.
But Clinton hailed the fact that a total of 29 countries had been upgraded to a higher ranking, “which means that their governments are taking the right steps.”
Source Article
Thursday, June 21, 2012
University Sponsors Campaign On White Privilage
As If Going To University Wasn't Already A Waste Of Time Now A Minnesota University Is Throwing Money On Corrosive Marxism Like This -
This Is Communism At Its Best! Welcome To Our Brave New Schools!
UPDATE! - UMD Drops Support Of Cotroversial Anti-Racism Campaign
The University of Minnesota – Duluth (UMD) is now sponsoring an ad-campaign designed to achieve “racial justice” by raising awareness of “white privilege.”
The project disseminates its message, that “society was setup for us [whites]” and as such is “unfair,” through an aggressive campaign of online videos, billboards, and lectures. The ads feature a number of Caucasians confessing their guilt for the supposed “privilege” that comes along with their fair features. …
The Un-Fair campaign also held a series of lectures and events on campus last semester. One included a presentation by Tim Wise, author of Dear White America. In his book, Wise confesses a “longstanding fantasy” where he turns to a man with a “God Bless the USA” button and asks him, “why can’t you just get over it?”
These lectures were publicly endorsed by university Chancellor Lendley Black. Black sent a message to the campus community in April describing his effort to “create an inclusive [i.e., rigidly doctrinaire leftist] campus climate for all” through providing “support and… leadership to the Un-Fair Campaign.”
This Is Communism At Its Best! Welcome To Our Brave New Schools!
UPDATE! - UMD Drops Support Of Cotroversial Anti-Racism Campaign
Monday, June 18, 2012
Why Deadly Race Riots Could Rattle Myanmar's Fledgling Reforms.
Apparently "Democracy" Isn't The Only Thing Failing In Myanmar; So Is Multiculturalism. Someone Also Forgot To Tell The Burmese That Diversity Is Strength.
From The Christian Science Monitor, June 12, 2012.
The deadly race riots now cleaving northwestern Myanmar are an alarming reminder of a key threat to the country’s fragile and embryonic democracy: conflict among Myanmar’s myriad ethnic groups.
Violence continued Tuesday in Arakan state, three days after President Thein Sein declared a state of emergency there and sent troops to quell the looting, arson, and mob clashes that have pitted the Buddhist Rakhine minority against Muslim Rohingya. At least seven people were reported killed.
The president warned in a televised speech that “if we put racial and religious issues at the forefront … if we continue to retaliate and terrorize and kill each other … the country’s stability and peace, democratization process and development … could be severely affected and much would be lost.”
Many ethnic minorities have waged guerrilla insurgencies against the government since Myanmar’s (Burma’s) independence in 1948, seeking wider economic and political autonomy from the central authorities, which are dominated by the majority Bamar. The current clashes, however, are different, setting two minorities against each other, and posing an awkward security challenge for the government as it seeks to present a softer and more democratic image, steering the country away from military rule.
Hostility between the Rakhine and the Rohingya dates back many decades; as British troops fell back before the advancing Japanese in 1942, Rakhine mobs took advantage of the power vacuum to launch a pogrom against their neighbors.
The Rakhine regard the Rohingya descended from laborers imported from what is now Bangladesh by the British colonial government more than a century ago as foreign intruders.
The estimated 750,000 Rohingya, one of the most miserable and oppressed minorities in the world, are deeply resentful of their almost complete absence of civil rights in Myanmar.
In 1982, the military junta stripped the Rohingya of their Myanmar citizenship, classing them as illegal immigrants and rendering them stateless. They are not allowed to leave their villages, nor may they marry, without permission. They are forbidden to have more than two children and for many years the authorities have subjected them to slave labor.
Rohingya make up around 90 percent of the population of north Arakan, but their Rakhine neighbors dismiss them as “Bengali Muslims” and refuse to acknowledge the Rohingya communal identity that local Muslim leaders have forged over the past half century.
Source Article
From The Christian Science Monitor, June 12, 2012.
The deadly race riots now cleaving northwestern Myanmar are an alarming reminder of a key threat to the country’s fragile and embryonic democracy: conflict among Myanmar’s myriad ethnic groups.
Violence continued Tuesday in Arakan state, three days after President Thein Sein declared a state of emergency there and sent troops to quell the looting, arson, and mob clashes that have pitted the Buddhist Rakhine minority against Muslim Rohingya. At least seven people were reported killed.
The president warned in a televised speech that “if we put racial and religious issues at the forefront … if we continue to retaliate and terrorize and kill each other … the country’s stability and peace, democratization process and development … could be severely affected and much would be lost.”
Many ethnic minorities have waged guerrilla insurgencies against the government since Myanmar’s (Burma’s) independence in 1948, seeking wider economic and political autonomy from the central authorities, which are dominated by the majority Bamar. The current clashes, however, are different, setting two minorities against each other, and posing an awkward security challenge for the government as it seeks to present a softer and more democratic image, steering the country away from military rule.
Hostility between the Rakhine and the Rohingya dates back many decades; as British troops fell back before the advancing Japanese in 1942, Rakhine mobs took advantage of the power vacuum to launch a pogrom against their neighbors.
The Rakhine regard the Rohingya descended from laborers imported from what is now Bangladesh by the British colonial government more than a century ago as foreign intruders.
The estimated 750,000 Rohingya, one of the most miserable and oppressed minorities in the world, are deeply resentful of their almost complete absence of civil rights in Myanmar.
In 1982, the military junta stripped the Rohingya of their Myanmar citizenship, classing them as illegal immigrants and rendering them stateless. They are not allowed to leave their villages, nor may they marry, without permission. They are forbidden to have more than two children and for many years the authorities have subjected them to slave labor.
Rohingya make up around 90 percent of the population of north Arakan, but their Rakhine neighbors dismiss them as “Bengali Muslims” and refuse to acknowledge the Rohingya communal identity that local Muslim leaders have forged over the past half century.
Source Article
Sunday, June 17, 2012
North Dakota Votes To Retire 'Fighting Sioux' Nickname.
GRAND FORKS, N.D. -- North Dakotans on June 12 voted in favor of
dropping the University of North Dakota's "Fighting Sioux" nickname -- a
decades-old moniker considered offensive by some and fiercely supported
by others.
Approximately 60 percent of the votes were in favour of retiring the name, The Globe and Mail reported.
Tuesday's vote was the first time the people of North Dakota had been able to have a direct say on the issue, but despite the outcome, the issue still is not dead. A Sioux group is trying to get a state constitutional amendment requiring the school to keep the nickname on a ballot soon, The Wall Street Journal reported.
For many at the university itself, the battle had become a distraction that was hurting the athletic programme as a growing number of teams refused to play the school.
"There's definite consensus now that in order for us to move forward, the nickname and logo need to be retired," said athletic director Brian Faison.
First adopted in 1930, the Sioux nickname was given ceremonial sanction in 1969 at a Sioux pipe ceremony and has since been at the center of petitions, lawsuits, sanctions, an official retirement of the logo and, subsequently, an official reinstatement.
After the school lost a legal battle with the NCAA over the logo, the State Board of Higher Education announced in April 2010 that the iconic Sioux logo would be retired. University officials initiated the change from the Indian head logo to an intertwined white and green "ND," a logo from the early 1900s.
That decision angered some residents including Frank Blackcloud, the 47-year-old spokesman for the Committee for Understanding and Respect, one of the organizations fighting to save the logo.
"The name was given forever in the pipe ceremony of 1969," Blackcloud said. "We should be grandfathered in."
In March 2011, the state legislature passed a measure forcing the university to retain the logo and reactivate its web address of fightingsioux.com.
A bill passed in a special legislative session eight months later rescinded the order, again dooming the mascot to extinction in December 2011.
This past February, supporters of the nickname gathered 17,213 signatures, enough to bring the issue to the popular vote on the ballot Tuesday night.
Aside from cultural and ethical considerations, North Dakota's sports teams are barred from taking part in postseason NCAA games as long as they wear the logo.
Additionally, NCAA teams like Minnesota and Wisconsin, North Dakota's biggest rivals, refuse to play teams with Indian nicknames.
Source Article
Approximately 60 percent of the votes were in favour of retiring the name, The Globe and Mail reported.
Tuesday's vote was the first time the people of North Dakota had been able to have a direct say on the issue, but despite the outcome, the issue still is not dead. A Sioux group is trying to get a state constitutional amendment requiring the school to keep the nickname on a ballot soon, The Wall Street Journal reported.
For many at the university itself, the battle had become a distraction that was hurting the athletic programme as a growing number of teams refused to play the school.
"There's definite consensus now that in order for us to move forward, the nickname and logo need to be retired," said athletic director Brian Faison.
First adopted in 1930, the Sioux nickname was given ceremonial sanction in 1969 at a Sioux pipe ceremony and has since been at the center of petitions, lawsuits, sanctions, an official retirement of the logo and, subsequently, an official reinstatement.
After the school lost a legal battle with the NCAA over the logo, the State Board of Higher Education announced in April 2010 that the iconic Sioux logo would be retired. University officials initiated the change from the Indian head logo to an intertwined white and green "ND," a logo from the early 1900s.
That decision angered some residents including Frank Blackcloud, the 47-year-old spokesman for the Committee for Understanding and Respect, one of the organizations fighting to save the logo.
"The name was given forever in the pipe ceremony of 1969," Blackcloud said. "We should be grandfathered in."
In March 2011, the state legislature passed a measure forcing the university to retain the logo and reactivate its web address of fightingsioux.com.
A bill passed in a special legislative session eight months later rescinded the order, again dooming the mascot to extinction in December 2011.
This past February, supporters of the nickname gathered 17,213 signatures, enough to bring the issue to the popular vote on the ballot Tuesday night.
Aside from cultural and ethical considerations, North Dakota's sports teams are barred from taking part in postseason NCAA games as long as they wear the logo.
Additionally, NCAA teams like Minnesota and Wisconsin, North Dakota's biggest rivals, refuse to play teams with Indian nicknames.
Source Article
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
An Honest Discussion About Race.
In the Age Of Obama, The Racism Charge, Rather Than Abating, Has Become More Prevalent Than Ever. Why? Because To Tell The Truth About Matters Like Crime, Racial Profiling, Social Fallout Of Single Parent Homes, Or The Ways Racial Preferences Distort The Very Meaning Of Equity & Justice Would Mean Facing Up To The Soul-Destroying Pathologies Of Urban Black Culture. Instead, Black Leaders And Their Guilty White Allies Blame These Problems On Historic Oppression & Lack Of Government Aid, & Demonize Those Who Challenge Such Views As -- What Else? -- Racist.
Racism - Divide & Conquer.
In the Age Of Obama, The Racism Charge, Rather Than Abating, Has Become More Prevalent Than Ever. Why? Because To Tell The Truth About Matters Like Crime, Racial Profiling, Social Fallout Of Single Parent Homes, Or The Ways Racial Preferences Distort The Very Meaning Of Equity & Justice Would Mean Facing Up To The Soul-Destroying Pathologies Of Urban Black Culture. Instead, Black Leaders And Their Guilty White Allies Blame These Problems On Historic Oppression & Lack Of Government Aid, & Demonize Those Who Challenge Such Views As -- What Else? -- Racist.
Racism - Divide & Conquer.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
According to Tarpley: Ron Paul is a Warmonger.
Webster Tarpley Is Creating A Storm Of Controversy On You Tube About Remarks He Said To Conspiracy King Alex Jones About Ron Paul Becoming "The Center Of All Evil" (Unbeknown To Most If Not Everyone)
Could We Have Been Wrong About Ron Paul After All?
For Added Humour -
Ron Paul In A Nut Shell
Related - Controlled Opposition - How To Spot A Fake Leader
- Betrayed! Ron Paul & Son Endorse Mitt Romney, 'Libertarians' Furious.
Could We Have Been Wrong About Ron Paul After All?
For Added Humour -
Ron Paul In A Nut Shell
Related - Controlled Opposition - How To Spot A Fake Leader
- Betrayed! Ron Paul & Son Endorse Mitt Romney, 'Libertarians' Furious.
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